60 X 40cm
Giclée_Fine Art (signed and certified)


Monotypes and natural paint

Single prints taken from designs usually created in natural pigments on various organic papers or recycled supports. The artworks are after reproduced as high quality giclées signed and certified by the artist. There are many sources of natural pigments such as urucu, pine, angico, eucalyptus, curcuma, saffron, prick, lichens, indigo, berries, cedars, chlorophyll, and even from sawdust, vegetables, roots, coal or several clays. A very wide and generous natural palette.


Pyrography means "writing with fire", from the Greek "pur" (fire) and "graphos" (writing). Practiced by a number of circular cultures including the Egyptians and some African people since a long time this art form probably dates back to prehistory, when early humans created designs using the charred remains of their fires. It's traditional in some parts of Europe. The butylated and burned gourd is a millenary art practiced by Peruvian communities. Some folk artists and Brazilian indigenous also uses pirygraphy to decorate gourds, maracas, instruments and many other objects.


Brazilian artist identified with circular, ancestral, mythological, fantastic, environmental, tratidional, ethnical and "folk" themes (and specially related to Brazilian cultural background and artistic diversity). The Merit Award/Hiii Illustration (China, 2012), Continental Biennale of Contemporary Native Arts (México, 2012), XX SIDI (Porto Alegre, 2012), Selection CJ Picture Book Festival (South Korea, 2009), NOMA Encouragement Award (Japan, 2008), Honorable Mention XV SIDI (Porto Alegre, 2007), White Ravens (Germany, 2000), Highly Commended by FNLJ/IBBY. Editorial Coordinator of the Muiraquitãs Collection (Global Editora). Member of the board of the Society of Illustrators of Brazil.